श्लोक 11 – Verse 11
अवजानन्ति मां मूढा मानुषीं तनुमाश्रितम्।
परं भावमजानन्तो मम भूतमहेश्वरम्।।9.11।।
avajānanti māṁ mūḍhā mānuṣhīṁ tanum āśhritam
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto mama bhūta-maheśhvaram
शब्दों का अर्थ
avajānanti—disregard; mām—me; mūḍhāḥ—dim-witted; mānuṣhīm—human; tanum—form; āśhritam—take on; param—divine; bhāvam—personality; ajānantaḥ—not knowing; mama—my; bhūta—all beings; mahā-īśhvaram—the Supreme Lord
Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):
Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
।।9.11।। मूर्खलोग मेरे सम्पूर्ण प्राणियोंके महान् ईश्वररूप परमभावको न जानते हुए मुझे मनुष्यशरीरके आश्रित मानकर अर्थात् साधारण मनुष्य मानकर मेरी अवज्ञा करते हैं।
Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)
।।9.11।। समस्त भूतों के महान् ईश्वर रूप मेरे परम भाव को नहीं जानते हुए मूढ़ लोग मनुष्य शरीरधारी मुझ परमात्मा का अनादर करते हैं।।
Swami Adidevananda (English)
Fools disregard Me, dwelling in a human form, not knowing My higher nature as the Supreme Lord of all beings.
Swami Gambirananda (English)
Not knowing My supreme nature as the Lord of all beings, foolish people disregard Me, who have taken a human form.
Swami Sivananda (English)
Fools disregard Me, clad in human form, not knowing My higher Being as the great Lord of all beings.
Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)
Unaware of My immutable, highest Absolute Supreme nature, the deluded ones disregard Me, dwelling in the human body.
Shri Purohit Swami (English)
Fools disregard Me, seeing Me clad in human form. They do not know that in My higher nature, I am the Lord-God of all.