Bhagavad Gita
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श्लोक 38 – Verse 38

त्वमादिदेवः पुरुषः पुराण
स्त्वमस्य विश्वस्य परं निधानम्।
वेत्तासि वेद्यं च परं च धाम
त्वया ततं विश्वमनन्तरूप।।11.38।।

tvam ādi-devaḥ puruṣhaḥ purāṇas
tvam asya viśhvasya paraṁ nidhānam
vettāsi vedyaṁ cha paraṁ cha dhāma
tvayā tataṁ viśhvam ananta-rūpa

शब्दों का अर्थ

tvam—you; ādi-devaḥ—the original Divine God; puruṣhaḥ—personality; purāṇaḥ—primeval; tvam—you; asya—of (this); viśhwasya—universe; param—Supreme; nidhānam—resting place; vettā—the knower; asi—you are; vedyam—the object of knowledge; cha—and; param—Supreme; cha—and; dhāma—Abode; tvayā—by you; tatam—pervaded; viśhwam—the universe; ananta-rūpa—posessor of infinite forms

Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):

Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)

।।11.38।। आप ही आदिदेव और पुराणपुरुष हैं तथा आप ही इस संसारके परम आश्रय हैं। आप ही सबको जाननेवाले, जाननेयोग्य और परमधाम हैं। हे अनन्तरूप ! आपसे ही सम्पूर्ण संसार व्याप्त है।

Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)

।।11.38।। आप आदिदेव और पुराण (सनातन) पुरुष हैं। आप इस जगत् के परम आश्रय, ज्ञाता, ज्ञेय, (जानने योग्य) और परम धाम हैं। हे अनन्तरूप आपसे ही यह विश्व व्याप्त है।।

Swami Adidevananda (English)

(a) You are the Primal God and the Ancient One. You are the Supreme resting place of the universe…
(b)…You are the Knower and the object of knowledge, and the Supreme Abode. Through You, O infinite of form, is this universe pervaded.

Swami Gambirananda (English)

You are the primal Deity, the ancient Person; You are the supreme Refuge of this world. You are the knower and the object of knowledge, and the supreme Abode. O You of infinite forms, You pervade the Universe!

Swami Sivananda (English)

You are the primal God, the ancient Purusha, the supreme refuge of this universe, the knower, the knowable, and the supreme Abode. Through You, the universe is pervaded, O Being of infinite forms.

Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)

You are the Primal God; You are the Ancient Soul; You are the transcendent place of rest for this universe; You are the knower and the knowable; You are the Highest Abode; and the universe with its infinite forms is pervaded by You.

Shri Purohit Swami (English)

You are the Primal God, the Ancient One, the Supreme Abode of this universe, the Knower, the Knowledge, and the Final Home. You fill everything. Your form is infinite.