श्लोक 4 – Verse 4
यजन्ते सात्त्विका देवान्यक्षरक्षांसि राजसाः।प्रेतान्भूतगणांश्चान्ये यजन्ते तामसा जनाः।।17.4।।
yajante sāttvikā devān yakṣha-rakṣhānsi rājasāḥ
pretān bhūta-gaṇānśh chānye yajante tāmasā janāḥ
शब्दों का अर्थ
yajante—worship; sāttvikāḥ—those in the mode of goodness; devān—celestial gods; yakṣha—semi-celestial beings who exude power and wealth; rakṣhānsi—powerful beings who embody sensual enjoyment, revenge, and wrath; rājasāḥ—those in the mode of passion; pretān-bhūta-gaṇān—ghosts and spirits; cha—and; anye—others; yajante—worship; tāmasāḥ—those in the mode of ignorance; janāḥ—persons
Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):
Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
।।17.4।।सात्त्विक मनुष्य देवताओंका पूजन करते हैं, राजस मनुष्य यक्षों और राक्षसोंका और दूसरे जो तामस मनुष्य हैं, वे प्रेतों और भूतगणोंका पूजन करते हैं।
Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)
।।17.4।। सात्त्विक पुरुष देवताओं को पूजते हैं और राजस लोग यक्ष और राक्षसों को, तथा अन्य तामसी जन प्रेत और भूतगणों को पूजते हैं।।
Swami Adidevananda (English)
The sattvic types worship the gods; the rajasic types worship yaksas and rakshasas; and the others, the tamasic types, worship the departed ancestors and hosts of bhutas.
Swami Gambirananda (English)
Those with sattva quality worship the gods; those with rajas, the demigods and demons; and those with tamas, ghosts and hosts of spirits.
Swami Sivananda (English)
The sattvic, or pure, men worship the gods; the rajasic, or passionate, worship the yakshas and rakshasas; the others, the tamasic or deluded people, worship ghosts and hosts of nature-spirits.
Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)
The men of the Sattva strand perform sacrifices intending for the gods; the men of the Rajas strand do so for the spirits and demons; and the men of the Tamas strand perform sacrifices intending for the imps, the dead, and the ghosts.
Shri Purohit Swami (English)
The pure worship the true God; the passionate, the powers of wealth and magic; the ignorant, the spirits of the dead and lower orders of nature.