श्लोक 12 – Verse 12
अनिष्टमिष्टं मिश्रं च त्रिविधं कर्मणः फलम्।भवत्यत्यागिनां प्रेत्य न तु संन्यासिनां क्वचित्।।18.12।।
aniṣhṭam iṣhṭaṁ miśhraṁ cha tri-vidhaṁ karmaṇaḥ phalam
bhavaty atyāgināṁ pretya na tu sannyāsināṁ kvachit
शब्दों का अर्थ
aniṣhṭam—unpleasant; iṣhṭam—pleasant; miśhram—mixed; cha—and; tri-vidham—three-fold; karmaṇaḥ phalam—fruits of actions; bhavati—accrue; atyāginām—to those who are attached to persona reward; pretya—after death; na—not; tu—but; sanyāsinām—for the renouncers of actions; kvachit—ever
Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):
Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
।।18.12।।कर्मफलका त्याग न करनेवाले मनुष्योंको कर्मोंका इष्ट, अनिष्ट और मिश्रित — ऐसे तीन प्रकारका फल मरनेके बाद भी होता है; परन्तु कर्मफलका त्याग करनेवालोंको कहीं भी नहीं होता।
Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)
।।18.12।। कर्मों के शुभ, अशुभ और मिश्र ये त्रिविध फल केवल अत्यागी जनों को मरण के पश्चात् भी प्राप्त होते हैं; परन्तु संन्यासी पुरुषों को कदापि नहीं।।
Swami Adidevananda (English)
Undesirable, desirable, and mixed—thus, threefold is the fruit of work that accrues after death to those who have not renounced; but to those who have renounced, none accrues whatsoever.
Swami Gambirananda (English)
The threefold results of actions—the undesirable, the desirable, and the mixed—accrue after death to those who do not resort to renunciation, but never to those who resort to renunciation.
Swami Sivananda (English)
The threefold fruit of action (evil, good, and mixed) accrues after death to those who do not abandon it, but never to those who do.
Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)
The three-fold fruit of action—the undesired, the desired, and the mixed—accrues even after death to those who are not men of renunciation, but never to those who are men of renunciation.
Shri Purohit Swami (English)
For those who cannot renounce all desires, the fruit of action hereafter is threefold—good, evil, and partly good and partly evil. But for him who has renounced, there is none.