Bhagavad Gita
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श्लोक 13 – Verse 13

यज्ञशिष्टाशिनः सन्तो मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषैः।
भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात्।।3.13।।

yajña-śhiṣhṭāśhinaḥ santo muchyante sarva-kilbiṣhaiḥ
bhuñjate te tvaghaṁ pāpā ye pachantyātma-kāraṇāt

शब्दों का अर्थ

yajña-śhiṣhṭa—of remnants of food offered in sacrifice; aśhinaḥ—eaters; santaḥ—saintly persons; muchyante—are released; sarva—all kinds of; kilbiṣhaiḥ—from sins; bhuñjate—enjoy; te—they; tu—but; agham—sins; pāpāḥ—sinners; ye—who; pachanti—cook (food); ātma-kāraṇāt—for their own sake

Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):

Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)

।।3.13।। यज्ञशेष- (योग-) का अनुभव करनेवाले श्रेष्ठ मनुष्य सम्पूर्ण पापोंसे मुक्त हो जाते हैं। परन्तु जो केवल अपने लिये ही पकाते अर्थात् सब कर्म करते हैं, वे पापीलोग तो पापका ही भक्षण करते हैं।

Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)

।।3.13।। यज्ञ के अवशिष्ट अन्न को खाने वाले श्रेष्ठ पुरुष सब पापों से मुक्त हो जाते हैं किन्तु जो लोग केवल स्वयं के लिये ही पकाते हैं वे तो पापों को ही खाते हैं।।

Swami Adidevananda (English)

Pious people who eat the remnants of sacrifices are freed from all sins, whereas those who are sinful and cook only for their own sake will only incur sin.

Swami Gambirananda (English)

By partaking in the remnants of sacrifices, they become freed from all sins. But those who are unholy and cook for themselves incur sin.

Swami Sivananda (English)

The righteous who eat the remnants of the sacrifice are freed from all sins; but those sinful ones who cook food solely for their own sake indeed consume sin.

Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)

The righteous persons, who eat the remnants of the actions to be performed necessarily, are freed from all sins. But those who cook, intending for their own selves, are sinners and consume sin.

Shri Purohit Swami (English)

The sages who enjoy the food that remains after the sacrifice is made are freed from all sins; whereas, the selfish who spread their feast only for themselves feed on sin alone.