Bhagavad Gita
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श्लोक 31 – Verse 31

ये मे मतमिदं नित्यमनुतिष्ठन्ति मानवाः।
श्रद्धावन्तोऽनसूयन्तो मुच्यन्ते तेऽपि कर्मभिः।।3.31।।

ye me matam idaṁ nityam anutiṣhṭhanti mānavāḥ
śhraddhāvanto ’nasūyanto muchyante te ’pi karmabhiḥ

शब्दों का अर्थ

ye—who; me—my; matam—teachings; idam—these; nityam—constantly; anutiṣhṭhanti—abide by; mānavāḥ—human beings; śhraddhā-vantaḥ—with profound faith; anasūyantaḥ—free from cavilling; muchyante—become free; te—those; api—also; karmabhiḥ—from the bondage of karma

Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):

Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)

।।3.31।। जो मनुष्य दोष-दृष्टिसे रहित होकर श्रद्धापूर्वक मेरे इस (पूर्वश्लोकमें वर्णित) मतका सदा अनुसरण करते हैं, वे भी कर्मोंके बन्धनसे मुक्त हो जाते हैं।

Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)

।।3.31।। जो मनुष्य दोष बुद्धि से रहित (अनसूयन्त:) और श्रद्धा से युक्त हुए सदा मेरे इस मत (उपदेश) का अनुष्ठानपूर्वक पालन करते हैं, वे कर्मों से (बन्धन से) मुक्त हो जाते हैं।।

Swami Adidevananda (English)

Those men who, full of faith, ever practice this teaching of Mine and those who receive it without cavil—even they are released from karma.

Swami Gambirananda (English)

Those who faithfully follow this teaching of Mine without cavil, they too become freed from their actions.

Swami Sivananda (English)

Those who constantly practice this teaching of Mine with faith and without caviling, they too are freed from actions.

Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)

Those who constantly follow this doctrine of Mine, with faith and without finding fault, are freed from the results of all actions.

Shri Purohit Swami (English)

Those who always act in accordance with My precepts, firmly in faith and without caviling, they too are freed from the bondage of action.