Bhagavad Gita
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श्लोक 14 – Verse 14

न मां कर्माणि लिम्पन्ति न मे कर्मफले स्पृहा।
इति मां योऽभिजानाति कर्मभिर्न स बध्यते।।4.14।।

na māṁ karmāṇi limpanti na me karma-phale spṛihā
iti māṁ yo ’bhijānāti karmabhir na sa badhyate

शब्दों का अर्थ

na—not; mām—me; karmāṇi—activities; limpanti—taint; na—nor; me—my; karma-phale—the fruits of action; spṛihā—desire; iti—thus; mām—me; yaḥ—who; abhijānāti—knows; karmabhiḥ—result of action; na—never; saḥ—that person; badhyate—is bound

Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):

Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)

।।4.13 — 4.14।। मेरे द्वारा गुणों और कर्मोंके विभागपूर्वक चारों वर्णोंकी रचना की गयी है। उस-(सृष्टि-रचना आदि-) का कर्ता होनेपर भी मुझ अव्यय परमेश्वरको तू अकर्ता जान। कारण कि कर्मोंके फलमें मेरी स्पृहा नहीं है, इसलिये मुझे कर्म लिप्त नहीं करते। इस प्रकार जो मुझे तत्त्वसे जान लेता है, वह भी कर्मोंसे नहीं बँधता।

Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)

।।4.14।। कर्म मुझे लिप्त नहीं करते;  न मुझे कर्मफल में स्पृहा है। इस प्रकार मुझे जो जानता है, वह भी कर्मों से नहीं बन्धता है।।

Swami Adidevananda (English)

Works cannot contaminate Me. There is no desire for the fruits of actions in Me. He who understands this is not bound by actions.

Swami Gambirananda (English)

Actions do not taint Me; for I have no hankering for the results of actions. One who knows Me thus, does not become bound by their actions.

Swami Sivananda (English)

Actions do not taint Me, nor do I have a desire for the fruit of actions. He who knows Me thus is not bound by actions.

Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)

Actions do not stain me, nor do I have a desire for the fruits of them either. Whoever understands me in this way is not bound by their actions.

Shri Purohit Swami (English)

My actions do not bind Me, nor do I desire anything that they can bring. He who thus realizes Me is not enslaved by action.