श्लोक 18 – Verse 18
कर्मण्यकर्म यः पश्येदकर्मणि च कर्म यः।
स बुद्धिमान् मनुष्येषु स युक्तः कृत्स्नकर्मकृत्।।4.18।।
karmaṇyakarma yaḥ paśhyed akarmaṇi cha karma yaḥ
sa buddhimān manuṣhyeṣhu sa yuktaḥ kṛitsna-karma-kṛit
शब्दों का अर्थ
karmaṇi—action; akarma—in inaction; yaḥ—who; paśhyet—see; akarmaṇi—inaction; cha—also; karma—action; yaḥ—who; saḥ—they; buddhi-mān—wise; manuṣhyeṣhu—amongst humans; saḥ—they; yuktaḥ—yogis; kṛitsna-karma-kṛit—performers all kinds of actions
Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):
Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
।।4.18।। जो मनुष्य कर्ममें अकर्म देखता है और जो अकर्ममें कर्म देखता है, वह मनुष्योंमें बुद्धिमान् है, योगी है और सम्पूर्ण कर्मोंको करनेवाला है।
Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)
।।4.18।। जो पुरुष कर्म में अकर्म और अकर्म में कर्म देखता है, वह मनुष्यों में बुद्धिमान है, वह योगी सम्पूर्ण कर्मों को करने वाला है।।
Swami Adidevananda (English)
He who sees inaction in action and also action in inaction is wise among men. He is fit for release and has accomplished all actions.
Swami Gambirananda (English)
He who finds inaction in action, and action in inaction, is the wise one [possessed of the knowledge of Brahman] among men; they are engaged in yoga and are performers of all actions!
Swami Sivananda (English)
He who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, he is wise among men; he is a yogi and performer of all actions.
Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)
He who finds non-action in action, and action in non-action, is an intelligent one among men and is said to be a performer or destroyer of all actions.
Shri Purohit Swami (English)
He who can see inaction in action, and action in inaction, is the wisest among men. He is a saint, even though he still acts.