श्लोक 15 – Verse 15
युञ्जन्नेवं सदाऽऽत्मानं योगी नियतमानसः।
शान्तिं निर्वाणपरमां मत्संस्थामधिगच्छति।।6.15।।
yuñjann evaṁ sadātmānaṁ yogī niyata-mānasaḥ
śhantiṁ nirvāṇa-paramāṁ mat-sansthām adhigachchhati
शब्दों का अर्थ
yuñjan—keeping the mind absorbed in God; evam—thus; sadā—constantly; ātmānam—the mind; yogī—a yogi; niyata-mānasaḥ—one with a disciplined mind; śhāntim—peace; nirvāṇa—liberation from the material bondage; paramām—supreme; mat-sansthām—abides in me; adhigachchhati—attains
Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):
Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
।।6.15।। नियत मनवाला योगी मनको इस तरहसे सदा परमात्मामें लगाता हुआ मेरेमें सम्यक् स्थितिवाली जो निर्वाणपरमा शान्ति है, उसको प्राप्त हो जाता है।
Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)
।।6.15।। इस प्रकार सदा मन को स्थिर करने का प्रयास करता हुआ संयमित मन का योगी मुझमें स्थित परम निर्वाण (मोक्ष) स्वरूप शांति को प्राप्त होता है।।
Swami Adidevananda (English)
Applying his mind in this way, the Yogin of controlled mind, ever attains the peace which is the summit of beatitude and which abides in Me.
Swami Gambirananda (English)
Concentrating the mind thus, forever, the yogi of a controlled mind achieves the peace that culminates in liberation and abides in Me.
Swami Sivananda (English)
Thus, always keeping the mind balanced, the yogi, with the mind controlled, attains the peace abiding in Me, culminating in liberation.
Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)
Yoking his mind incessantly in this manner, My devotee, with their mind not attached to anything else, realizes peace which culminates in nirvana and ends in Me.
Shri Purohit Swami (English)
Thus, keeping his mind always in communion with Me and subduing his thoughts, he shall attain that Peace which is Mine and will lead him to liberation at last.