श्लोक 6 – Verse 6
यथाऽऽकाशस्थितो नित्यं वायुः सर्वत्रगो महान्।
तथा सर्वाणि भूतानि मत्स्थानीत्युपधारय।।9.6।।
yathākāśha-sthito nityaṁ vāyuḥ sarvatra-go mahān
tathā sarvāṇi bhūtāni mat-sthānītyupadhāraya
शब्दों का अर्थ
yathā—as; ākāśha-sthitaḥ—rests in the sky; nityam—always; vāyuḥ—the wind; sarvatra-gaḥ—blowing everywhere; mahān—mighty; tathā—likewise; sarvāṇi bhūtāni—all living beings; mat-sthāni—rest in me; iti—thus; upadhāraya—know
Translations by Teachers (आचार्यो द्वारा अनुवाद):
Swami Ramsukhdas (Hindi)
।।9.6।। जैसे सब जगह विचरनेवाली महान् वायु नित्य ही आकाशमें स्थित रहती है, ऐसे ही सम्पूर्ण प्राणी मुझमें ही स्थित रहते हैं — ऐसा तुम मान लो।
Swami Tejomayananda (Hindi)
।।9.6।। जैसे सर्वत्र विचरण करने वाली महान् वायु सदा आकाश में स्थित रहती हैं, वैसे ही सम्पूर्ण भूत मुझमें स्थित हैं, ऐसा तुम जानो।।
Swami Adidevananda (English)
As the powerful element air, moving everywhere, ever remains in the ether, know that so too all beings abide in Me.
Swami Gambirananda (English)
Understand thus that just as the voluminous wind, moving everywhere, is ever present in space, similarly all beings abide in Me.
Swami Sivananda (English)
As the mighty wind, moving everywhere, always rests in the ether, so too, know that all beings rest in Me.
Dr. S. Sankaranarayan (English)
Just as the mighty wind exists in the ether, always moving therein everywhere, in the same manner all beings exist in Me. Be sure of it.
Shri Purohit Swami (English)
As the mighty wind, though moving everywhere, has no resting place except in space, so all these beings have no home except in Me.