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English Proverbs – 7

Let well alone
Life begins at forty
Life is just a bowl of cherries
Life is what you make it
Life’s not all beer and skittles
Lightning never strikes twice in the same place
Like father, like son
Little pitchers have big ears
Little strokes fell great oaks
Little things please little minds
Live and learn
Live for today for tomorrow never comes
Look before you leap
Love of money is the root of all evil
Love is blind
Love makes the world go round
Love thy neighbour as thyself
Love will find a way
Make hay while the sun shines
Make love not war
Man does not live by bread alone
Manners maketh man
Many a little makes a mickle
Many a mickle makes a muckle
Many a true word is spoken in jest
Many are called but few are chosen
Many hands make light work
March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb
March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers
Marriages are made in heaven
Marry in haste, repent at leisure
Might is right
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow
Misery loves company
Moderation in all things
Money doesn’t grow on trees
Money is the root of all evil
Money isn’t everything
Money makes the world go round
Money talks
More haste, less speed
Music has charms to soothe the savage breast

यह भी पढे – मेरा प्रिय कवि – My Favorite Poet

Nature abhors a vacuum
Necessity is the mother of invention
Needs must when the devil drives
Ne’er cast a clout till May be out

यह भी पढे – परशुराम जी का आगमन – arrival of parshuram ji

Never give a sucker an even break
Never go to bed on an argument
Never judge a book by its cover
Never let the sun go down on your anger

Note:- इन कहानियों मे प्रयोग की गई सभी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट से गूगल सर्च और बिंग सर्च से डाउनलोड किया गया है।

Note:-These images are the property of the respective owner. Hindi Nagri doesn’t claim the images.

यह भी पढे –

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