Familiarity Ends Fear
यह भी पढे – क्योंकि हमारे भीतर अपना कोई चेहरा नहीं है – Because We Have No Face Of Our Own
Once a fox-cub was roaming alone in the forest. He had heard about lions, tigers and leopards from his parents but had never seen them. Anyhow he had been told some clues in order to recognize them.
The fox-cub knew that a lion has thick and long hairs on his neck; leopard has spots all over its body while a tiger has stripes on its body. All of a sudden, the cub heard the roar of a lion. He was extremely scared and hid himself behind a bush. Soon, the lion appeared and the cub was almost half-dead seeing his fearful eyes.
यह भी पढे – मेरे प्रिय अध्यापक – My Dear Teacher
Few days later, the cub saw the lion once again. Still he was scared but nominally. But when the cub saw the lion for the third time, his fear had totally vanished. So, he went to the lion and said, Good morning, sir. I am your humble servant- the fox.
The lion returned the wish in a friendly manner.
Note:- इन कहानियों मे प्रयोग की गई सभी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट से गूगल सर्च और बिंग सर्च से डाउनलोड किया गया है।
Note:-These images are the property of the respective owner. Hindi Nagri doesn’t claim the images.
यह भी पढे –
- पाण्डवों का स्वर्गगमन – death of pandavas
- पंडित जी – Pandit Ji
- शाही हुक्का – Royal Hookah
- कितने सेब हैं ? – How Many Apples Are There?
- मेरा स्कूल – MY SCHOOL
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