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The Flute Player


यह भी पढे – राम-भरत मिलाप – Ram – Bharat Milaap

Tom was very brave and intelligent. One day, while playing, he went far into the forest. Just then a jackal saw him. He decided to eat the boy and came in his way.

When Tom saw that he had no way to save himself, he said to the jackal, “Brother, I am not afraid of death but I want to die peacefully. So, I want to play my flute and dance to its tune. Then you can eat me.”

The jackal permitted him. As soon as, Tom started playing his flute, his dog came running. The dog saw the jackal and leapt on it.

यह भी पढे – एक भेलपुरी अलग अलग दाम! – Different Prices For One Bhelpuri!

The jackal ran for his life. Tom returned home with his dog.

Note:- इन कहानियों मे प्रयोग की गई सभी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट से गूगल सर्च और बिंग सर्च से डाउनलोड किया गया है।

Note:-These images are the property of the respective owner. Hindi Nagri doesn’t claim the images.

यह भी पढे –

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