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The True Friend


यह भी पढे – बुद्धि का फल – Fruit Of Wisdom

Once there were two friends – a squirrel and a puppy. They used to live and play together. The squirrel was very sporty and always won the game. The puppy used to feel bad and thought that it was of no use.

यह भी पढे – कोयले का टुकड़ा – Piece Of Coal

One day, it started raining heavily. The squirrel was in high spirits. He started doing antics but suddenly, lost his balance and fell in the rain water.

He called his friend, the puppy for help. The puppy came to his rescue. The squirrel climbed on its back and reached a safe place. He thanked his friend for saving his life.

Note:- इन कहानियों मे प्रयोग की गई सभी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट से गूगल सर्च और बिंग सर्च से डाउनलोड किया गया है।

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यह भी पढे –

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