The Manager
The ManagerTHE MANAGEROnce, Mr. Lion was looking for a manager to look after his business. Many animals applied for the post and were interviewed....
The Little Pine Tree
The Little Pine TreeTHE LITTLE PINE TREEOnce there grew a little pine tree deep in the forest. It had needles that were evergreen. Yet...
The House
The HouseTHE HOUSEOnce a rat that was feeling bored, came out of his hole to see the world. He went to a garden where...
The Great Sacrifice
The Great SacrificeTHE GREAT SACRIFICEOnce a king got the news that his neighbouring country was planning an attack on his country. In his kingdom,...
The Giraffe’s Neck
The Giraffe's NeckTHE GIRAFFE'S NECKLong time ago, giraffe's neck used to be short. One day, some animals of the jungle decided to play hide...
The Egg Ploy
The Egg Ployयह भी पढे – मुल्ला की स्पीच - Mullah’S Speech
THE EGG PLOYOnce in a city there were two neighbours Harry and Danny....
The Dog and The Bone
The Dog and The BoneTHE DOG AND THE BONE
यह भी पढे – नकल में भी अकल चाहिए - Wisdom Is Needed Even In CopyingOnce...
The Defective Clock
The Defective ClockTHE DEFECTIVE CLOCKOne day, Peter's father gave him money to buy a clock from the market. So, he went to a showroom...
The Boot in The Jungle
The Boot in The JungleTHE BOOT IN THE JUNGLEOnce there lived many wild beasts in a jungle. One day they came across a very...
The Abode of God
The Abode of Godयह भी पढे – पुराण साहित्य - Puran Literature
THE ABODE OF GODOne day, an old lion felt hungry. Being unable to...