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English Stories

A Magic Pot and Flooding Porridge

A Magic Pot and Flooding PorridgeA Magic Pot and Flooding PorridgeRia was a 5 years old girl. She was sweet, humble and good, raised...
English Stories

The Lottery Win

The Lottery WinThe Lottery WinIt was a small town, located in the outskirts of a city. People who lived in the town worked in...
English Stories

You Cannot Please Everyone

You Cannot Please EveryoneYou Cannot Please EveryoneBill a 40 year old man was a cloth vendor. He used to sell different types of clothes...
English Stories

A Faithful Dog

A Faithful DogA Faithful DogNeil loves to travel and he was so fond of forests. Whenever he plans for a holiday, he would choose...
English Stories

The Light on the Hills

The Light on the HillsThe Light on the Hills"I WANT to work at my picture," he said, and went into the field. The little...
English Stories

On the way to the Sun

On the way to the SunOn the way to the SunHE had journeyed a long way, and was very tired. It seemed like a...
English Stories

The Donkey on Wheels

The Donkey on WheelsThe Donkey on Wheels"THERE was once a poor little donkey on wheels. It had never wagged its tail, or tossed its...
English Stories

Elephants and a Rope

Elephants and a RopeElephants and a RopeSuri was a sweet boy and a wildlife lover. He was fond of elephants, the mammoth animals. In...
English Stories

The Three Men and a Family

The Three Men and a FamilyThe Three Men and a FamilyIt was a sunny day. Three old men with long white beard were wandering...
English Stories

Writing a Book

Writing a BookWriting a Book"LET us write a book," they said; "but what shall it be about ?" "A fairy story," said the elder sister. " A...