English Stories
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Union Is Strength

Union Is Strength

There was an old farmer who lived in a village. He had four sons, o were lazy and idle. They often quarreled among themselves. The old man was very much annoyed with it.

So he called his four sons and told them that since his end was near, he wanted to teach them a lesson. So he told them that since his end was near, he wanted to give them a useful piece of advice.

He sent for a bundle of sticks, it was brought. He asked all his sons turn by turn to break the bundle of the sticks. All tried hard, but none of them was able to break the bundle.

यह भी पढे – दोस्त का जवाब – Dost Ka Jawab (हिन्दी कहानी/Hindi Kahani)

Then he asked one of them to untie the-bundle. This was also done immediately. Then he asked each of them to break the sticks individually. Now each one succeeded in doing so.

The old farmer then said to them, “If you live together in peace, none can harm you. But if you are divided, you will lose.”

यह भी पढे – ईश्वर तू ही अन्नदाता है – God, You Are The Provider Of Food.


United we stand, divided we fall.

Note:- इन कहानियों मे प्रयोग की गई सभी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट से गूगल सर्च और बिंग सर्च से डाउनलोड किया गया है।

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यह भी पढे –

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